Frequently asked questions
Discover our answers to the most frequently asked questions.
In Quebec, a legal hypothec allows, under certain conditions, for protection of the account receivable of an architect, engineer, supplier of materials, worker, contractor, or subcontractor who participated in the construction or renovation of and immoveable. To be eligible, a series of conditions must be met.
According to the Civil Code of Quebec, a bond is a contract by which a person—the surety—performs the obligation of the debtor if the latter does not meet them. This bond is generally underwritten by an insurance company approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers. To be eligible, a series of conditions must be met.
The Path to Cash is a unique process developed by Protection FER. It’s based on a simple principle: In order to collect accounts receivable, all personnel must do their job with an awareness of the impact of their role on their company's cash flow. Our concept integrates all the steps of a construction contract, from opening the account to the release of the final holdback, and takes advantage of the work and experience of all the personnel of your company: Estimation, administration, construction teams, foreman and superintendents, project management, and accounting, etc.